
Generate a new strong password

Select the avatar icon’s QR image and generate a new strong password with one click. Scan the QR code with your smart phone.

Change the avatar icon and title

Select the avatar icon and select a new one from the avatar icons map. After you can change the avatar title.

Login with Google Authenticator

Setup the two-factor authentication to prevent unauthorized access on highest level. You have type in your login pin or password and in a second step validate the login with Google Authenticator.

Attach a file to a password

Attach a file assigned to the selected password. In often cases additional information is needed to comprise the password context.

Change the language

Clicking the language icon within the Settings dialog launches 20 possible language you can choose one.

Export all your passwords and data

Your data is highly secure within the Samsung TV AES key protected repository. Additionally, you can export all passwords and related data to an USB device. The generated ZIP file is password protected and encrypted.

Unlock all passwords and services

Unlocking of all passwords and services will be done with Samsung Checkout, which is a fast and secure two-step system designed to work with the TV remote control.